
  • KomplyAI
    Tier 3 Sponsor

    KomplyAi is an Australian technology start up in compliance for AI and other emerging technologies.  KomplyAi commenced in 2022 to fill a gap in the global market to help democratise access to specialist governance, risk and compliance knowledge in a readily accessible technology solution.

    KomplyAi’s mission is to enable the safe and rapid adoption of AI and emerging technologies into enterprise and government.

    At KomplyAi, we believe in the importance of providing our customers with a clear roadmap in GRC for each stage of AI life cycle management. Supporting diverse risk assessments and workflows for AI development, use, procurement and deployment in higher risk sectors such as education.

    KomplyAi takes a multi technology approach to supporting AI risk management and regulatory compliance. Our enterprise SaaS platform and supporting web application technologies help organisations meet their global legal obligations and values based objectives of being responsible, fair, and transparent.

    KomplyAi’s Platform incorporates the latest AI regulatory requirements and standards from around the world as it intersects with higher risk sectors that require a more bespoke solutions offering. Better enabling organisations to capitalise on efficiencies from AI by accelerating lower risk AI builds; and automates and streamlines compliance steps for higher risk AI projects, which is especially critical for sectors such as education, health and financial services.

    Our Platform is API driven, and incorporates an in-built but configurable risk assessor tool, intelligent workflow engine that supports project management and assigns questions to internal stakeholders to generate comprehensive governance reviews and supporting documentation. Our workflow engine seamlessly integrates with existing incumbent systems in data privacy and cyber security where they exist. KomplyAi’s knowledge libraries automate the production of governance artefacts for regulators and certification of technologies to market. Facilitating collaboration by multiple stakeholders, including management, data scientists, engineers, risk, and legal, across enterprise projects at scale. More exciting features in generative AI coming very soon.

    KomplyAi is accelerating innovation in these technologies as we believe in the significant opportunities that they will unlock. To learn more:

  • Ai Her Way
    Tier 3 Sponsor
    Ai Her Way

    Ai Her Way, an AI consultancy and EdTech leader, champions the fusion of artificial intelligence and human collaboration as a force for societal innovation and solutions to pressing challenges. Our mission focuses on promoting efficiency, inclusivity, and innovation within education and business through ethical AI practices, underpinned by a strong belief in equity and diversity.

    We provide strategic consulting, professional development, and EdTech solutions aimed at enhancing the Australian educational sector. Our commitment is to make AI an empowering tool for all, ensuring diverse voices contribute to AI's development and application.

    At Ai Her Way, we're dedicated to showing how AI, when aligned with human insight, can lead to significant societal benefits. We invite education leaders to join us in embracing responsible AI technologies, driving forward a future where technology and humanity together foster a more equitable and innovative society.

  • XponixAI
    Tier 4 Sponsor

    XponixAI is a premier provider of artificial intelligence solutions. Committed to delivering state-of-the-art AI solutions and applications utilising OpenAI GPT and other sophisticated technologies. XponixAI's focus is on driving transformative change across key sectors such as education, healthcare, legal, customer service and finance, leveraging AI to redefine operational efficiencies and insights. XponixAI excels in developing intuitive, high-impact AI applications, designed to streamline complex data analysis and deliver actionable intelligence. Based in Melbourne, Australia, XponixAI aspires to be a globally recognised leader in providing comprehensive AI services. Our vision is to pave the way in utilising the transformative power of AI, inviting collaborations and partnerships to explore the vast potential of this technology.

  • Evolve Simulations
    Tier 4 Sponsor
    Evolve Simulations

    Evolve Simulations is an AI-powered experiential learning platform that delivers simulation training through virtual roleplay with realistic characters in free flowing conversations. We design and build bespoke communication simulations that deliver the training and education outcomes required by any organisation in any industry.

    This cutting-edge technology can be accessed through user-friendly Virtual Reality or through the convenience of a web browser on any device. We provide users with assessment after every conversation allowing them to improve with every exchange in a safe, non-judgmental learning environment. While also providing seamless tracking on usage and improvement for the trainer.

    Users can build communication confidence, practice decision-making, and manage conflicts in diverse scenarios. They can refine interview skills, navigate medical consultations, address ethical dilemmas or hone business communication, the opportunities are endless. Grounded in flexibility and cost-effectiveness, Evolve Simulations stands as a dynamic solution for the evolution of education and workforce training.

  • Australian Curriculum Studies Association
    Supporting Partner
    Australian Curriculum Studies Association

    The Australian Curriculum Studies Association Incorporated (ACSA) was established in 1983, providing a national forum for dialogue between those engaged in curriculum work. It is a broadly based educational association supporting the professional interests of educators in curriculum work from all levels and sectors within and beyond Australia.

    ACSA works to support educators so that all students have access to a meaningful, relevant and engaging curriculum. ACSA provides national advocacy and leadership in curriculum. It is committed to curriculum reform informed by the principles of social justice and equity and respect for the democratic rights of all.

  • Australian Teacher Education Association
    Supporting Partner
    Australian Teacher Education Association

    The Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) is the major professional association for teacher educators in Australia.
    Our Mission is to promote:
    • Research as a core endeavour of teacher educators;
    • The continuing education of teachers and teacher educators; and
    • Advocacy and support for the professionalism and expertise of teacher educators at local through to global scales.

    To learn more:

  • Australian Technology Network of Universities
    Supporting Partner
    Australian Technology Network of Universities

    ATN’s member universities are Curtin University, Deakin University, RMIT University, The University of Newcastle, University of South Australia and University of Technology Sydney. ATN’s member universities share a strong, consistent identity. We focus on innovative teaching that produces highly employable graduates. We are leaders in research with real-world impact and industry partnerships. Our universities share a passion for enterprise as well as a fervent commitment to equity and social justice, with a proud history of serving communities through open, accessible and practical education.

    At ATN, the research we do has real-world impact. We are leaders in collaboration with industry partners and other universities to leverage the right skills in research, engagement and commercialisation. Our research drives benefits for the economy, for people’s health and safety, and for meeting the world’s biggest challenges. Along with innovative, flexible, workplace-connected teaching and a deep commitment to access and social justice, research with real-world impact is a part of ATN Universities’ DNA.

    To learn more:

  • Independent Higher Education Australia
    Supporting Partner
    Independent Higher Education Australia

    The Australian independent higher education sector comprises more than 170,000 students and 120 institutions, with independent providers variously accredited to offer courses across the full AQF range (diplomas up to doctorates).

    Learn more here:

  • The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE)
    Supporting Partner
    The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE)
  • Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT)
    Supporting Partner
    Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT)

    The Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT) is the peak professional body for leaders in university learning and teaching whose responsibilities include academic development. We see to enhance our members’ capacity to be key strategic leaders abd advisers in learning and teaching.

    To learn more: