Sheridan’s current role at the UniSA is that of Director: Teaching Innovation Unit (TIU).
The TIU is a team of practiced academics and specialists in education design and technology. The team works in two main areas:
1. Research and development to lead best practice in higher education; and
2. Partner and support UniSA academics and external stakeholders to design and deliver an outstanding curriculum using relevant, effective teaching practices, technologies, and tools.
The Unit's vision is for all UniSA students to receive a quality education where discipline expertise is informed by student-centered pedagogies and contemporary higher education research. Passionate academics will deliver outstanding curricula supported by leading edge teaching technologies. We build capacity by recognising excellence and empowering academic staff to translate their discipline expertise into transformative learning experiences for our students, drawing on the latest in curriculum design and delivery, and technology.
Our services include Academic Development, Audio Visual and Multimedia, and Technology Enhanced Learning support. From videos and multimedia, to curriculum design, the TIU team can help you develop a transformative your curriculum to support all students.
Sheridan is intersted in exploring how learning and teaching tools and technology, through the use of learning analytics, can be used to improve the student experience and academic performance. The propensity of academic staff to use academic performance data as indicators of success is distal of earlier learning behaviours. Therefore, Sheridan is interested in exploring the impact that personalised feedback, using real-time data of online learning behaviour, has academic success. Specifically, her work focusses on exploring the learning and teaching experiences, and behaviours that encourage high achieving students and those of average achieving students, with an aim to better inform our teaching practices to encourage student learning cross all academic levels.
She has a Ph.D. in Physiology and a Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics.